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   Check in 14:00 - 20:00  Vacate by   10:00


Camping & Caravan Stands

We have 32 stands all equipped with electricity. The main ablution facilities are kept clean and all stands have easy access to the facilities. Fishing is one of the most popular activities since the lodge stretches along the Olifants River. The restaurant & swimming pools are within walking distance of the caravan park however there is a smaller swimming pool in the camping area. We do not provide bath plugs or toilet paper.


Private Caravan Stands

These new additions consist of its own private bathrooms and scullery. All our stands next to the river are also private stands but their private bathrooms are a few meters away from the stand.  These stands (next to the river) have a communial scullery.
Please note that the Private Bathrooms can be cleaned on a daily basis - please book a cleaner at reception (for your own cost)


Family Stand (consists of 6 stands)

If you are a group of people the family stand is the answer. It has its own private lapa, private ablution blocks and private swimming pool. It is situated next to the river and separated by a stream from the other camp sites.
Cleaners can be pre-booked at reception (for your own cost)